Nick's Cool Stuff

Nick Messenger

IT Specialist/Web-Developer

  • FROM : Washington
  • SKILLS: Coding, Web-Dev, Writing and Research, Music, Art, and Video


Giving Credit Where it is Due

The following page provides links to all of the information and sources that were used or at least used for inspiration in the creation of this website.


Click on the red text links to view the original sources.

Off Canvas Curtain Menu

The pop-out menu was tweaked and borrowed from Zurb's Foundation. This curtain menu style was adapted from an example given by the user Rafi.

Off Canvas Navigation Menu

The pop-out menu was tweaked and borrowed from Zurb's Foundation. The menu used for this website was built upon Foundation's Off Canvas features and examples given by the user Brett Mason.

Site Template

Colorlib provided a lot of great design choices for the website and overall theme. What you see is an adaptation of one of their themes.

Color Scheme

Coolors is a nice color scheme creation tool that was utilized to come up with a more balanced color scheme for this website. The link given will provide some of the colors used in this website.

Contact Form

FormSpree is utilized for the contact page. Without having a web server or a database for this website, FormSpree allows this website to have a contact form which goes through FormSpree servers and gets forwarded to this website's contact email.

Lazy Loading

While not fully implemented, jQuery Lazy may be useful in the future. It was experimented with when developing the portfolio page and may still be used in the future.

PDF/File Preview with iFrames

ViewerJS is a collection of plugins made by the community to allow for easy viewing of documents such as PDF files. This is utilized in the portfolio page to show off local files.

Responsive iFrames

This article helped with experimentation of iframes. Since ViewerJS is being utilized, iFrames are still a work in progress.

Interesting CSS Ideas

This article uses a neat CSS trick that adds unique animation to the main text in the article. This gave inspiration to better animations for in the future.

Centering Elements

FreeCodeCamp is a great website for various coding help, tips, and tricks. This article in particular gives some very useful ways on how to center page elements with CSS and was used to help with CSS on this website.

Adjacent Sibling Combinator

This documentation from Mozilla is helpful for targeting specific ocurrances in html. While not used directly, it gave inspiration to what is possible with CSS targeting.

Text / Image Thumbnails for Portfolio Items

This online tool called Cooltext was not used in the end, but would have allowed me to make simple text png images for the portfolio items on the portfolio page.

Portfolio Items / PDF Preview Images

This tool allowed me to batch create jpeg images of all of my pages in the pdf files for the portfolio page. I chose one image for each document to represent the file's contents and used that as a preview link.