Captain America: Civil War

Heroes are the new villains. Or so it would seem from the latest installment in the Marvel Universe. Captain America: Civil War is slated to come out next spring, and the teaser trailer certainly teases. Can Captain American and Iron Man really stop being friends?

Although the trailer is pretty vague, a quick snoop around the interwebs revealed some good news and some bad news. I’ll start with the bad: neither Thor nor the Hulk will be in Civil War. On the bright side, it may be the first time Spiderman appears with the Avengers.

By now, every Marvel film has delivered, in both action, and simple but engaging plots. This one looks like it will live up to the standard that has been set, but also be deliver a new viewing experience by blurring the line between hero and villain.

Here is a link to the official website for more information. Captain America: Civil War Official Site